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Short Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu

Short Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu

When you search ‘Short Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu’ on google, you will find thousands of Peruvian tour operators offering this hike. And why not, the Inca Trail hike is on top of every traveler’s to-do list in Peru. Also, unlike any other Peruvian hike, you can only do the Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu through a guided tour. 

What makes it the most sought-after hike, is the reward of witnessing the ever-stunning Machu Picchu at the end. This Incan sacred site and wonder of the world is said to be was built in 1450 AD for the Incan emperor Pachacuti. It was discovered in 1911 by the explorer Hiram Bingham III and over time it became famous as the Lost City of Inca.

Built at an incredible elevation of 2500 meters above sea level, together with the surrounding mountains that stand might tall, Machu Picchu delights every visitor to no end. The site looks mystical when visited during dawn. As the cloud cover slowly disappears with the rising sun, you truly understand the beauty in front of you. The view of this citadel surrounded by a panoramic view of mountains at sunrise is the most sought-after Peruvian adventure. 


Our blog talks more about the 2 day / Short Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu and what to expect from your trip. If you have just started planning your Peru trip, we recommend starting from these two articles: Why Peru should be your next travel destination and our complete 2+ weeks itinerary for Peru

Short Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu

We tourists in the current age are spoilt with options to visit Machu Picchu. The most famous one is the 4-day trek, also called the Classic Inca Trail hike. There are 1-day and 2-days trek also available, called the Short Inca Trail hike. The Salkantay trek is 4 to 6 days long hike is fairly difficult. And then there is an easy option for non-hikers as well i.e. to take a 30 mins bus ride from Aguas Calientes.

The Classic Inca Trail hike sells out 6 months in advance. If you haven’t planned well in advance or don’t have a lot of time in Peru and you are really interested in hiking, the Short Inca Trail hike is your best bet. You will still get the authentic Inca Trail experience, covering lesser distance and elevation Inca Trail experience. You will also get the unique opportunity of enjoying both sunset and sunrise at Machu Picchu. 

As only guided tours are allowed for the Inca trail hike, there are too many tour agencies offering a multitude of options. We suggest shopping around a bit, before booking a tour operator. After much research, we went with Inkas destination, a reasonably priced and well-organized tour operator. Check out their website for more details on the treks.


Day 1 of the Short Inca Trail Hike to Machu Picchu

On day 1 you will hike from a point called Kilometer 104 to Machu Picchu. Yes, you heard us right, you cover the entire 12km hike in just one day.

Your day starts early, as you will travel from your hotel in Cusco to the train station in Ollantaytambo. Then you take a one and half hour train ride to kilometer 104, from where your hike will start. After a quick check at the checkpoint, you will walk towards the first stop at Chachabamba archaeological center. From there you will gradually ascend for about 3 hours before reaching the next pit stop at Wiñay Wayna archaeological site. This hike is a little challenging as you are hiking with the sun directly hitting you. You will have lunch here and then proceed towards the Sun Gate.

The third leg of the hike is about 1 and half hours long and is relatively flat. This is the easier part of the hike as you will walk through the shaded rain forest. At Sun Gate you will get the first view of Machu Picchu before proceeding towards the ruins. Chances are, Machu Picchu will be absolutely empty bar a few hiking groups and loads of llamas roaming around. 

After you have spent some time marveling at Machu Picchu, you will take a bus to Aguas Calientes town to rest for the night. 

Read more about 10 Amazing Things To Do In and Around Cusco

Also read out Guide to Peru’s Sacred Valley

Just off 104km train stop
First ray of sunshine at Chachabamba archaeological center

Views on the hike to Machu Picchu. So stunning!
First view of Machu Picchu at Sun Gate


Day 2 of the Short Inca Trail Hike to Machu Picchu

On the second day, you will need to wake up early again, to catch a bus from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu. The aim is to reach Machu Picchu at opening hours i.e. 6 am before sunrise. After sunrise, the tour guide will give a 2 hours tour of the site. 

After the tour, you will have a little free time to explore the site before returning to Aguas Calientes. You can ask the tour operator to book tickets for the last train back to Cusco. That way you have some time to get lunch and explore this small village. 


What to carry for your hike

You will need to bring the below items with you for the hike. 


Top tips for your time at Machu Picchu

Here are some of our top tips, based on our experience at Machu Picchu. Many people aren’t aware of the one-way system at the site among other things, so read on for more details. 

Entering Machu Picchu


Visiting Machu Picchu for Sunrise

We can’t stress enough, but visiting Machu Picchu for sunrise is absolutely worth it. Make sure you are on the first bus to the site. There will be a long queue at the bus stop, so remember to start queuing as early as possible. 

The gates open at 6 am and everyone runs to the site to get the first glimpse of the beauty. So, even those few minutes between bus departure will make a huge difference. The earlier bus you are able to catch, chances are you will give a few additional minutes of uninterrupted beauty at the site. 

Before the sun hits Machu Picchu, it most likely will get covered by clouds
When the first rays of sunshine hit the scared site of Machu Picchu


If possible, request your guided tour on day 1

If you are a smaller group, chances are that the tour guide will be more flexible with your itinerary. You can request the tour guide to provide the Machu Picchu tour on Day 1 after your hike. Sure, you will be tired by the end of the hike. But trust us, as this way you will be left with more time to enjoy Machu Picchu at your own pace on Day 2. 

When we reached Machu Picchu in the afternoon, after the hike, it was hot with no shelter at the site. We spent a few minutes admiring the site and then took the bus down to the village. Since it was a one-way system when we visited, we regretted not having enough time to take photos on Day 2. Our tour guide gave us the option of doing the guided tour on the first day itself and we regretted not taking up on that offer later. 


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