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Postcard from Pisa

A day trip to Pisa

As a kid, we didn’t have that much exposure to European cities, history, and culture but Pisa was always included only because of its leaning tower. The experiment of Galileo dropping two balls of different masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa was always a part of our school curriculum and the fact that the tower is leaning and hasn’t fallen yet was a fascination for us kids. Check out our blog on how to plan a day trip to Pisa!

So when we were in Tuscany, Pisa had to be on our list. Pisa also has an international airport, so we decided to spend half a day there and take a flight back to Dublin from there. In addition to the Leaning Tower, Pisa is a charming little city and we had a great time walking around in the limited time we had.

Few Quick Tips for a day trip to Pisa:

Leaving you with some extremely touristy pictures from our trip.

Touristy picture #1
Touristy picture #2

READ ALSO: Our first impression of Italy

Posing in front of the tower..
That’s how much the tower leans!
Exploring the city of Pisa…
One last iPhone photo of the city…


Also check out our blog posts on Rome, Capri, Positano, and Naples

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